
Quick start

  • Click on the Use this Template button.
  • Choose a Repository Name
  • Click on the Create repository from template button.

Usage locally

  • Go to your new repository that created from our template<username>/<repository_name>
  • Click on the Code button.
  • Copy the URL<username>/<repository_name>.git
  • Open terminal
git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1<username>/<repository_name>.git
cd <repository_name>

Prerequisites and Installation

Install {blogdown} and Hugo


# If anything wrong try develop version


You need a recent extended version (we recommend version 0.79.0 or later) of Hugo to do local builds and previews of sites that use Docsy.

It is recommended to install Hugo from R for working with {blogdown}

blogdown::install_hugo(extended = TRUE)

or from commandline

sudo dpkg -i  hugo_extended_0.79.0_Linux-64bit.deb 
hugo version

For Windows and macOS please see instructions here.

Install PostCSS

Download node and npm if you do not have.

To build or update your site’s CSS resources, you also need PostCSS to create the final assets. If you need to install it, you must have a recent version of NodeJS installed on your machine so you can use npm, the Node package manager. By default npm installs tools under the directory where you run npm install:

sudo npm install -D autoprefixer
sudo npm install -D postcss-cli
# Starting in version 8 of postcss-cli, you must also separately install postcss:

sudo npm install -D postcss

# go to your website directory
cd <repository_name>
npm audit fix

Run the website locally

  • Open R in console or Rstudio

This repo contains a .Rprofile file that will automatically serve the site for you R starting directory is this newly cloned repository. Otherwise, change working directory to the repository and run:


You should see a website is opened in your local browser or Rstudio viewer.

Run the website locally in the terminal

hugo serve -b "http://localhost" 

Update theme - submodule

To keep the webpage update, you should update the submodule theme:

git submodule update --remote
git add .
git commit -m "update submodule"
git push

Last modified 2021-07-24 : pg_build (fae2843)